Case Studies

We take pride in offering unique claims service that is tailored to the specific loss and not a boiler plate approach. Here are a few examples of the types of losses and services provided:


We received a call from our property client indicated that a policyholder suffered a significant fire to their commercial warehouse. Upon receipt of the loss notice, we contacted the insured and dispatched an adjuster within 15 minutes. We arrived on scene 30 minutes later and observed the fire department’s efforts to extinguish the flames. We met with the city inspector, and fire captain to address structural concerns. We retained a local structural engineer within an hour of the loss notice, and established temporary shoring guidelines before the fire department left the risk. We secured a cause/origin investigator and placed the tenant and their carrier on notice of potential subrogation. We arranged a joint inspection and monitored the investigation.

Within five days, we had completed numerous inspections and established a scope of repairs. Per our client’s request, we created a bid protocol and secured numerous offers. 10 days from the date of loss, the carrier issued a $500,000 ACV payment and repairs began two weeks later. We monitored the repair efforts and participated in city building permit inspections. The entire loss was concluded in four months, reducing a sizable business interruption loss.


At 2AM, a storm packing 50+ mile per hour winds struck south of Phoenix resulting in zero visibility conditions on Interstate 10. Unfortunately, an 18 vehicle accident occurred involving 10 tractor-trailers and 8 passenger vehicles. Several drivers were seriously hurt and two were fatally injured. We received the call on behalf of a trucking client who had a driver involved in the accident.

We dispatched an adjuster to the scene, despite the conditions, and arrived within 45 minutes. We contacted the investigating officer, identified the client’s tractor-trailer and driver. We documented the scene, including securing photographs and information on each involved vehicle. We arranged for a tow of the client’s equipment to protect the ECM data and arranged alcohol/drug screen of their driver.

Following our initial on –scene efforts, we completed background investigations on each driver and injured person. We also obtained police reports, witness statements and medical examiner’s reports.

We completed our investigation within 7 days, and worked with the client’s legal counsel. Based on our on-scene efforts, our client had a clear understanding of the facts of loss and their exposure within 2 hours of the initial call.